
Sunday 26 January 2014

Gym and healthy lemon drizzle cake.

My kitchen hates when I get the urge to bake! It knows what is coming... Something that looks like this:   

I got a Mary Berry cookery book for Christmas and I've been looking for an excuse to pick out a nice recipe ever since, then I thought feck it I don't need an "excuse"! After about five seconds of page turning, this really caught my eye. I love lemon drizzle but I wanted to healthify it a touch. I got myself a bag of coconut flour, woooza it was expensive, €6.50 for a small bag. I've never used it before so just totally winged it. I defo needs perfecting, but as a first attempt it was really good. - man does coconut flour need moisture! 

For the cake mix. 
1 cup of stevia sweetener
220g soft butter
100g coconut flour - next time I'll use less! 
4 medium eggs
75g self raising flour
75g whole wheat flour - next time I'll do all whole wheat
1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
Milk to make batter consistency 200ml
The rind of two lemons
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

For the drizzle: 
The juice of two lemons stevia/sugar to taste- about a dessertspoon full. 

The best bit is how easy it is, all you have to do is put all of the ingredients into a large bowl and beat until mixed well and at a cake batter consistency. 

Cook at 170 Celsius untill cooked through and golden brown. Wait for a few minutes, gently remove the tin.
When warm - not hot, make up the drizzle and spoon over. 

The result 

Cakey deliciousness! Even the Boyf thought they were good! 

This quantity made 12 small cakes and one large cake, too much for me could have done a half measure. I also made a big mess getting them out of the tin so that also needs adjusting. I have to say though at half the carbs and vertually no sugar they make a pretty tasty treat. 

Now to the gym: 

I've managed to stick to my three day a week target, and mostly I get in four days!  I did an FX cut class on Wednsday- sweet Jesus, I found out first hand how slight my muscles are! I also got my gym programme and I'm signed up for a PT session on Tuesday, so it's all go at the min. 

Next week I'm on for Monday Tuesday and Friday with a possible Wednsday or Thursday. Then I'm off to Amsterdam at the weekend, woohoo. 

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