
Wednesday 23 September 2015

Hello again

20 posts?! Really just 20... Scarlet for my Ma. At the time, I really thought that I had more dedication to the blog. Second time for everything I guess. Lets Fast forward 21 months, I've changed jobs and gotten older,  that's about the height of it.

My relationship with food and with myself has remained pretty consistent. Nutrition wise, I am still trying to walk the tight-rope between "healthy, healthy, healthy" and  "all of the delicious food". I have always used food to coped with stress and life, which isn't ideal when you're on the old side of 25. I'm over that, I have decided to have a more forgiving, more sustainable outlook. As far as exercise goes things have been pretty similar to my food situation, I am either completely on it or completely off it, which not really forgiving or maintainable. I am absolutely going to address this, I can easily make the time for a few quick workouts during the week.

My new job is going really well, I say new job, but I've been there for almost a year.The working world is still sometimes stressful, I think it always will be, but hey it keeps me on my toes. I usually work three weekdays and every second weekend. On weekdays I finish up at 8 pm after a long 11 hours, this was leading to me being ravenous and scoffing dinner at 9 pm. This obviously ins't ideal. So I am toying with changing up my mealtimes.

Round two has officially kicked off, I hope to blog about health and lifestyle with some beauty and fashion thrown in for good measure.

This basically sums up my life...

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