
Sunday 26 January 2014

Gym and healthy lemon drizzle cake.

My kitchen hates when I get the urge to bake! It knows what is coming... Something that looks like this:   

I got a Mary Berry cookery book for Christmas and I've been looking for an excuse to pick out a nice recipe ever since, then I thought feck it I don't need an "excuse"! After about five seconds of page turning, this really caught my eye. I love lemon drizzle but I wanted to healthify it a touch. I got myself a bag of coconut flour, woooza it was expensive, €6.50 for a small bag. I've never used it before so just totally winged it. I defo needs perfecting, but as a first attempt it was really good. - man does coconut flour need moisture! 

For the cake mix. 
1 cup of stevia sweetener
220g soft butter
100g coconut flour - next time I'll use less! 
4 medium eggs
75g self raising flour
75g whole wheat flour - next time I'll do all whole wheat
1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
Milk to make batter consistency 200ml
The rind of two lemons
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

For the drizzle: 
The juice of two lemons stevia/sugar to taste- about a dessertspoon full. 

The best bit is how easy it is, all you have to do is put all of the ingredients into a large bowl and beat until mixed well and at a cake batter consistency. 

Cook at 170 Celsius untill cooked through and golden brown. Wait for a few minutes, gently remove the tin.
When warm - not hot, make up the drizzle and spoon over. 

The result 

Cakey deliciousness! Even the Boyf thought they were good! 

This quantity made 12 small cakes and one large cake, too much for me could have done a half measure. I also made a big mess getting them out of the tin so that also needs adjusting. I have to say though at half the carbs and vertually no sugar they make a pretty tasty treat. 

Now to the gym: 

I've managed to stick to my three day a week target, and mostly I get in four days!  I did an FX cut class on Wednsday- sweet Jesus, I found out first hand how slight my muscles are! I also got my gym programme and I'm signed up for a PT session on Tuesday, so it's all go at the min. 

Next week I'm on for Monday Tuesday and Friday with a possible Wednsday or Thursday. Then I'm off to Amsterdam at the weekend, woohoo. 

Wednesday 22 January 2014

WIAW- from Monday

Oh jeez, I did an FX CUT class last night and I don't think I'll pull through. My legs and arms are sooo sore. Eeek, a very quick 40 mins though. Really good workout, but I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself now. 

Anywhooo, back to the food, look at all of the other WIAW's over with peas

Breakfast was two hard boild eggs. 

Again snore but so quick and easy. 

Snack was a bananna- no pic, I scoffed it before I remembered to! 

Lunch: one slice of brown bread, half and avocado and a small tun of no added sugar beans. - so delish! With water tea and an apple.

Snack was a few sugar free sweets and a handful if fiber one cereal. 

Dinner: the other half of avocado, a salad topped with some leftover chilli and a slice of brown bread, plus cheese on top. 

Evening snack was a small snack bar and tea. 

Sunday 19 January 2014

High protein satisfying breakfast.

Protien pancakes seem to be fairly common on the healthy living blog circuit these days and I have to say I am partial to one on the weekends. I first started out making them with protien powder, but I've run out and prob won't purchase any more in the near future. So I had to improvise, this recipie was my inspiration for sure! 

1 egg
1-2 dessert spoons of musli- I wanted plain oats but didn't have any! 
1 dessert spoon of milled linseeds with goji berries.
Milk- enough make a batter consistency 
Vanilla extract. 

Dump all of the ingredients in a blander untill smooth. Pour onto a hot pan and allow to cook slowly. I put too much milk in so had to finish mine off under the grill, untill golden and cooked through. 

While the pancake is cooking I put some frozen mixed  berries in the microwave and added some stevia for taste. When bubbling a syrupy I poured over the cooked pancake. 


Now, this for me was a success, no added sugar, low carb, high protein and very satisfying. That said, I'm not going to lie the pancake still tasted slightly eggy- not overly so, but still more than a regular pancake. 

I reckon if I could adjust this slightly it could be a winner. 

Sunday catch up gym and next week work outs.

This week was kind of tricky, but I managed to get in a two gym workouts, and two walks.

Each gym session was cardio and strength, Wednsday cardio was a run and strength was a 45 minute pilates clas that was really great.  Thursday, I just did my own thing. Then Saturday and Sunday are hilly walks. Two crisp 60 minutes! 

This week will be easier to fit exercise in, I'm thinking Tuesday, Wednsday, Friday and Saturday. 

I had a consultation with a personal trainer. Apparently my body fat is 26%, eeek not too bad but I think exercise will help to drop this slightly. He was a lovely guy and I will get my full programme next Friday. And I'm actually really looking forward to getting started on it. 

I have still yet to meditate at all.... Ugh, it's just not in my routine at all. My drive to work on Friday was quite stressful and then I found myself emotionally eating on Saturday, I know one leads to and other. I just need to get relaxation into my routine, do it regularly, it needs to be a priority! 

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Wiaw- snacking muchly

Thanks peas for hosting! 

This is my WIAW from Monday! 

What a disaster day, I got up, got myself ready to go, packed up my breakfast (threw it into my hand bag), but left my coffee and lunch on the counter (ready to carry out to the car), I was running a bit late so it all became a bit frantic. I jumped into the lift and realised my dress was on inside out, when I got into the car I realised I had left my coffee behind, then I needed to stop and get petrol, then, just as I was walking into work I noticed that I had left my luch sitting happily on the kitchen counter ready to live another day. Ugh! It was all uphill after that though. 

Anyway, breakfast, this is not Mondays picture I bagged up my lunch and made it in work but this is exactly what I had. One banana, with a dessert spoon of musli and two of milled linseed and chia seed mix, and a hand full of chopped almonds, cover in milk and eaten like cereal.- two large warm waters, no coffee :( 

Snack was another bananna. 

Lunch: takeaway soup and two slices of brown bread. Seriously delish, red pepper and tomatoe I think. 

Snack: almonds

Dinner: a slice of whole grain bread, hummus and  half an avacdo.  That plate looks messy, ewwww.

Evening snack was a light hot chocolate and two squares of cadburys caramel bar. 

Very delisious, very snacky day! 

Sunday 12 January 2014

Gym recap and this weeks plan

Ah , so last weeks plan was to work out Monday, Tuesday and Wednsday or Thursday and Friday. Monday was a wash, I was passing the gym at. 8.40 and I just wasn't feeling it that late at night, but I went on Tuesdays for a proper cardio and strength session, Wednsday was a lovely short swim and sauna, I also went on Friday and Saturday for similar cardio and strength work outs. 

I try to do about 30 mins cardio and 20-25 mins strength. For strength I normally pick two upper body, two lower body and two ab exercises and rotate them. 

This week is a little tricky because I'm going to visit the parentals waaaaaay down in the sticks this weekend, which rules out the gym on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sooo, my aim is gym it on Monday, Wednsday and Thursday, then I'll go for a good walk on Saturday, possibly Sunday aswell depending on the week. I'm going to see 12 years a slave on Tuesday and might go to a work meal on Thursday so I'm not 100% this week will work out as planned. 

I didn't manage to get in even one meditation session, I think I really could have used a couple though. Yesterday and today I found myself stress eating for sure, I know it's emotional when I'm eating junk food I don't even normally want! Such a waste of food to be honest, I get no enjoyment out of it and it's a waste of time. But look, it's okay it wasn't a major blow out or anything just totally unnecessary. This week again is tricky, Wednsday I'll get a quick session in and Saturday but I really think that might be it. 

I know that the relaxation is key, but I just can seem to "find the time"! 

Saturday 11 January 2014

I got my hair did, and new gym.

I got my hair did! Wohoo, I love the whole process of getting my hair done but I also feel so guilty while it's getting done. 

I went to my local Peter Mark and the staff were fabtastic, like really,really good. I had a consultation with my colourist and the colour specialist in the salon. I brought this picture for inspiration: 

They decided on three shades a warm almost copper brown, a golden brown and a bright blonde.

The colourist took a good 2-2.5 hours putting the highlights in. I've soooo much hair I just feel like I'm wasting everyone's time, the whole team reassured me noone minded that I was there a good 5 hours. 

After the highlights were in the hair stylist chatted to me about the cut I wanted, allowed the dye to work through, and then, I got the best head massage of all time. Sweet lord it was good! Lastly, the cut and curly blowdry, the blowdry cost no extra despite taking a lot longer than a regular blowdry. I am so pleased with the result, the brightest colour is a little too bright at the minute, so  I'm waiting untill I wash and style it myself before I photograph it! 

The whole experience felt like a real treat. 

My other recent over indulgence is membership and a quite expensive gym, but I LOVE it. They have a ladies only section it's never jam packed and a fab range of classes. As of now it's work the money although if I lose any interest at all it will be a big waste. That's a reason in itself to stay motivated. :D

Monday 6 January 2014

Sunday drinks and what I wore

Yesterday the girls and I headed out for some mid afternoon wine and food. 

We headed out to the usuall spot, I had the feta cheese and chorizo salad and we shared some patats bravas, which are fried potatoes with tomatoe ragu and garlic sauce- so delish. I just had one small glass of wine because I was driving home later. Seriously got the munchies when I got home though! Nom nom biscuits - I reckon it's the alcohol, although it could be the frezzzey weather. 

Jumper pennies
Wax look jeans zara
Boots Aldo
Scarf Zara 
Gold bangle and chain that aren't really visible both topshpp. 

Sunday 5 January 2014

Weekly exercise and lunches!

Today I lashed together a quick, turkey and chunky veg chilli soup- it's delish even if I do say so myself. 

What I do is sauté all of the veg in my fridge in a large soup pot, add turkey and cook through. Then I add tomatoe purée, tinned tomatoes and all of the spices. I usually taste it up with, cumin (seeds and ground), tex mex mix, paprika and chilli powder. Then it's simmer time, for at least an hour. 

Today the veg was aubergine, onion, carrot, pepper, radish, tomatoe and sweet corn. Protien was turkey and kidney beans. The end result made seven meals! I've yet to photograph it but it will make an appearance on what I ate Wednsday! 

This weeks exercise sessions will be a touch difficult to organise/preplan, mainly because I've a seriously busy week in work- yep fifty busy, stressful hours ahead if me! -eeek

So my hopefull (possibly overly so) plan is : 
Monday pilates class in my gym at about 8.30. 

Tuesday swimming lessons at 8 - while my breaststroke is pretty good I've got little else in my swimming repertoire, the glitch is you must sign up for theses clases so I'm hoping it won't be booked tomorrow when I go to pilates. 

Wednesday if the boyfriend is working an early ill skip the gym and spend the evening at home if he'll be in late I might have a quick session. 

Thursday if I'm working early I'll hit the gym if not I'll call it a rest day. 

Friday rest day

Saturday gym session. I might even book in for my personal "evaluation" and programme. 

Sunday maybe rest day maybe swim. 

Either way I've got three sessions defiantly down. Now for the meditation sessions, Wednsday, Thursday and Friday at the least. 

Good stuff. 

Thursday 2 January 2014

New Years resolutions and January goals.

I'm not a big "Resolution"  person myself but as it's New Years - let's partake! 

Declarations do a funny thing to my mind, I'm fairly sure I'm not alone on this. It's pure psychology - If you tell yourself that you "must" or  "absolutely can not" do something or eat something you immediately think the opposite, and unfortunately with far intensity! That is why for the vast, vast majority of people weight loss and "dieting" are extremely difficult, moderation is key and having a ballenced outlook is very important. In fact I'm certain, never having gone on a "diet" in the first place is the only reason I don't need to go on one. 

That said being said I'm going for it, I'm making a resolution- I am going to make a conscious effort to think kinder thoughts, both about myself and others, yes, even the ones I want to physically strangle. I'm going to spent the next year sending good vibes out into the universe. What goes around comes around and all that jazz! 

As for January goals I want to excercise (even if it's just 15 mins) three times per week. I think that's manageable and a pleasant way to ease myself back into a regular exercise routine. I aim to schedual my workouts on Sundays for the week ahead. 

My other goal and the one I think will make my life nicer and happier- meditation! Three times per week for  10-15mins, easy peasy! Well we'll see but that's what I'm hoping for. 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

WIAW and hiking!

Wiaw hosted by peas and crayons.

Got together with the girlies on Sunday for a lovely mountain hike, but jaysus it was windy seriously thought we'd be swept off the mountain!

That's what we were facing at the half way mark, so refreshing, the higher we got the rockier it became, such a scramble to make it to the top. 

Okay, okay on to a New Year's Eve WIAW. Thanks sprinkles for hosting. 

I was working 8am to 2pm on Tuesday, 
I always start my day with two large glasses of warm water and a coffee for my car! 

Breakfast was fairly light but a nice change from my usuall eggs. 
At 10 am in work I had 20g of almonds and a banana.

It was so bloody busy in work that I didn't get a chance to have anything else untill after work at which point I inhaled my snack. 
An apple and a bag of popcorn, delisious and surprisingly sustaining. 

Later I went to the boyfriends parents house, it's his mum's birthday so at about 5pm we had cake. I had an unphotographed, small slice of chocolate biscuit cake- my god it was gooood!

That night we went out to a gorgeous resteraunt, I had seared tuna and too much wine. 

Poor picture above but you get the picture, then the girlies all went out and danced the night away! - too much fun.